
October 2008 Monthly Horoscope

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Aphrodette in the news. An article in the Roanoke Times about Aphrodette's Tarot Share Group at the Lifestream Center. Don't forget to click on the Multimedia link and click on the white arrow to start the audio slideshow presentation..

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles
Chapter 7, Section 3
by Marianne Williamson

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October 2008 Horoscope

Lunations - Trends for All Signs

FULL MOON occurs on October 14, 2008 at 04:02 PM EDST
This Full Moon in Aries is in a T-square to Jupiter in Capricorn and the Libra Sun! The strategies of peace and war, harmony and conflict - hang in the balance of this defined Cardinal T-square. The Moon in sextile to retrograde Neptune in Aquarius points to confusion and a feeling of immobility when many minor decisions and actions are under consideration. Because Mercury, now retrograde in Libra, will not station direct until the day after Full Moon, much will not be brought to completion in this cycle. Negotiations consist of shouts and whispers now.

NEW MOON occurs on October 28th, 2008 at 07:13 PM EDST
This New Moon is kissing the Sun in Scorpio and not making any major angles to the planets. The Lights are in square to the Midheaven in early degrees of Aquarius on the Eastern seaboard of the United States. The emphasis is on security for the masses and what will be made public and will not. Access to information, whether it is through newspapers, the internet or the television screen will seem almost an obsession! There is an absorbing mentality of each person on a psychological and soul level. This is a profound and grave time in our history as the election draws near.


Mercury Retrograde Alert!
Mercury will retrograde in Libra at 03:17 AM on September 24, 2008 until it stations direct on October 15th at 04:06 PM and will remain in its shadow until All Hallow's Eve! Rules of thumb for Mercury retrograde are to avoid signing legal documents or making major purchases. Lawsuits, negotiations and treaties can suffer from misunderstandings and delays. One can often feel acute buyer's remorse from extending themselves financially when Mercury is retrograde. Think and think again. Expect that you may have to offer greater explanation to nearly everyone!

Jupiter Retrograde Alert!
Jupiter, the largest planet, stationed retrograde in Capricorn on May 9, 2008 at 08:11AM and stationed direct on September 9th at 00:16AM! It remains in its shadow until November 27, 2008. Corporate affairs and political posturing seem to be reeling backward rather than moving forward. Progress economically will slow down even more. The power is in sound judgment and a conservative approach with resources on all levels. Even as a country, we may halt an increase in debt - but not be able to make much progress in paying off old debt. Pace your generosity but DO honor your commitments in this cycle.

Uranus Retrograde Alert!
Uranus stationed retrograde in Pisces on June 26th at 08:01 PM and will not station direct until November 27th at 11:08 AM! Expect a flashback to the 1920's in this cycle. Highs and lows financially; conservatism versus debauchery; great hope and profound despair. This is the cycle of the unexpected. Unexpected disasters as well as phenomenal miracles will occur in our World. Reflection, meditation and even extraordinary archeological finds can bring us to a greater understanding of the Human race at large. Erratic weather changes and movements in both the wind and water will continue but be reminiscent of storms from the past. Great literary works and symphonies may birth in this cycle!

Neptune Retrograde Alert!
Aquarian Neptune stations retrograde on May 26th at 12:15PM and remains so until November 1, 2008. It will be in its shadow until February 21, 2009! Neptune, the planet of dreams, imagination, faith, idealism and deception has been positioned in the progressive sign of Aquarius since late January of 1998. We have seen much that has revolutionized technology as well as a growing knowledge that we can be co-creators of our future. It retrogrades each year for a few months which gives us an opportunity to separate true innovation from intellectual illusion. Those with strong Aquarian or Pisces planets often feel they were born in the wrong time period in this cycle. It may, however, be an excellent time to reclaim peace, create new ways to help our fellow inhabitants on this planet as well to fine tune our technology for the masses!

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn Alert!
On April 2, 2008 at 0523 AM, Pluto, still early in Capricorn stationed retrograde. It stationed direct on September 8, 2008 at 11.14 PM! This once planet, now dwarf, will ride the Sagittarian/Capricorn cusp all year! We have felt the shift over the past few months and its retrograde motion shows that we need this precious time to adjust. We have gone from global expansion to global occupation. The shift has been unnerving to many! Pluto's entrance into Capricorn was magnified and dramatized by our largest planet, Jupiter, as it entered Capricorn late last December. Jupiter tours a sign once every twelve years and magnifies the influence of those planets that share that sign! The sign of Capricorn is conservative but initiating. It rules, government, the military, institutions and corporations. Its essence is forbearing and maintaining.

(Note: If you know your Rising Sign or Moon Sign, read that section, too!)

Aries ARIES MAR 20 - APR 20

This Full Moon, your ruler, Mars, is in Scorpio and is squaring off with the Dragon! Difficult decisions will face you as to whether you will perfect the people and projects in your life or abandon them. Self appreciation is key for you now. At New Moon, the angle is still in evidence with your ruler also in square with retrograde Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius. For best results in career, those on your team must share the vision. You can be dynamic now if you are in an imaginative and focused setting. Scowl at quick fixes now and go for long term solution! Keep all secrets!

Taurus TAURUS APR 20 - MAY 21

Your ruler, Venus, is in Scorpio this Full Moon and in trine to retrograde Uranus in Pisces and in square to retrograde Neptune in Aquarius! Irrational fears and moments of gre4at elation will characterize this cycle. Practical solutions to ongoing problems seem elusive. Wait. At New Moon, your ruler has moved into optimistic Sagittarius and in a T-square to retrograde Uranus in Pisces and Saturn in Virgo! You will no longer accept the limitations from those who impede your progress. As your ruler trines the South Node, remember this is not a popularity contest! "Get 'er done!" Embrace a rhythm with your health!

Gemini GEMINI MAY 21 - JUN 21

This Full Moon, your ruler, Mercury is in its last hours of retrograde. Those processes you were hoping to bring to completion will still be up in the air for another month. Take heart, as often delays prove to be to your benefit. Your ruler has been square-dancing with Jupiter in Capricorn this month causing some frustrations with rules, regulations and paperwork. At New Moon, your ruler, although now direct, is still in square to Jupiter but in trine to the Dragon's Head, Chiron and Neptune. Attention to your health and well-being is more important than expediting your goals. Honor self.

Cancer CANCER JUN 21 - JUL 22

Each month, you will need to take the Lunation predictions seriously as your ruler, the Moon, is the basis for all monthly cycles. This Full Moon in Aries is great for an honest evaluation of the motives of other for you. Your insights will need, however, to be shared with great tact. On the New Moon, your ruler is kissing the Sun in Scorpio and your psychic ability is absolutely astounding this time each year! Trust your core rather than intellectual assessments of others. This is a time to listen intensely to those who have your best interest at heart. Get closer to those who are very different from you!

Leo LEO JUL 22 - AUG 23

Remember that your ruler, the Sun, is what reflects in the Light of the Moon! This Full Moon, as your ruler lights up the sky, it also forms a beautiful trine to retrograde Neptune in Aquarius! This is a time to entertain the validity of dreams and aspirations once set aside. Your ruler, also min a separating square with Jupiter in Capricorn, will release you from the tentative notion of restriction. At New Moon, you will feel intense as the Lights conjoin in Scorpio. Your tenacity regarding your priorities will be heightened. Honor your instincts and trust your impressions in this cycle. Deep.

Virgo VIRGO AUG 23 - SEP 23

Your ruler, Mercury, is still retrograde in its last day of the cycle this Full Moon. You may feel as you have forgotten more than you will ever know anew! Although you can be a fountain of knowledge and strategy, it is a time to adapt your judgment to the ever evolving future. It is a time to mourn forgotten heroes - in your life and in our World. At New Moon, your mental and emotional health takes a quantum leap as your ruler is in trine to the Dragon's Head, Chiron and Neptune - all retrograde in Aquarius. You will feel as if you are years younger! Your ruler in square to Jupiter in Capricorn breathes caution in travel. Go anyway!

Libra LIBRA SEP 23 - OCT 23

Many Happy Solar Returns, Libra! This is your month! Mercury retrograde in your sign for the last few weeks has probably made you feel as if you short circuited! You will be feeling a little fried until All Hallows Eve! This Full Moon, with your ruler, Venus, in Scorpio, shows profound indulgence and an opportunity to rest on your laurels. At New Moon, Venus has moved into Sagittarius and you will be energized in the month ahead! New projects, people and insights will be buzzing in your life. Your ruler in T-square to Saturn in Virgo and Uranus retrograde in Pisces shows an improvement in attitude, diet and exercise!

Scorpio SCORPIO OCT 23 - NOV 22

This Full Moon, one of your rulers, Mars, is in your sign and squaring off with the Dragon! Your co-ruler, Pluto, is void-of-course! Go, go, go! Take no prisoners in this cycle. Backlog that which is a waste of energy and apply yourself intensely to your immediate concerns! At New Moon, Mars, still in Scorpio, is still squaring off with the Dragon and Chiron and retrograde Neptune in Aquarius as well!! Technological and politic mayhem is in evidence! Beware of other pushing your emotional triggers! Only you can control your temper and behavior! Guard your words and the integrity of your reputation!

Sagittarius SAGITTARIUS NOV 22 - DEC 21

Your ruler, Jupiter, is in Capricorn all month so you are still called to be conservative in your approach even if it has an optimistic and expansive flavor. At Full Moon, Jupiter is in a T-square with the Lights so you will feel as though you are caught between a rock and a hard place! The good news is that your ruler is in trine to Saturn in Virgo affording you the ability to create new strategies as you proceed. At New Moon, it is much of the same but sextiles to both Uranus retrograde in Pisces and Mars in Scorpio open up new possibilities that have yet to take form. Definitely think outside the box in this cycle!

Capricorn CAPRICORN DEC 21 - JAN 20

This Full Moon chart reveals your ruler, Saturn, in trine to Jupiter in your sign! An increased awareness of your accomplishments in the past will prove outstanding! Inconjuncts to both the Dragon's Head and Chiron reveal that adaptations regarding your health regimen are essential! At New Moon, any adjustments you have made appear to be paying off! Because all of this month Saturn opposes Uranus retrograde in Pisces, unexpected emotional overflow is in evidence. Welcome this release as you plot a course embracing your responsibilities which will serve you better in the future. It is alright to say, "Maybe".

Aquarius AQUARIUS JAN 20 - FEB 19

Your ruler, Uranus, is retrograde in Pisces all month. At Full Moon, Uranus opposes Saturn in Virgo and in trine to Venus in Scorpio! Make the time to indulge in your passionate nature NOW! Love and play! Embrace anew the desire to be the rebel and the lover! At New Moon, your ruler is in trine to Mars in Scorpio and square to Venus in Sagittarius! Embrace those in your life that have an edge. Mixing business and pleasure in this cycle can prove to be disastrous! Try to keep it separate at all costs! Romance can be a delicious rollercoaster! Enjoy! Thank me later!

Pisces PISCES FEB 19 - MAR 20

All month, your ruler, Neptune, is retrograde n Aquarius! At Full Moon, Neptune is in trine to the Sun, illuminating both your hopes and your fears. Neptune is also in square to Venus in Scorpio revealing that you are yearning to reclaim the passions of the past. If you desire to re-ignite the passion in your personal relationship it is time to initiate it! Waiting for the other person to do so will prove useless! At New Moon, your ruler is in trine to Mercury in Libra - now direct! Renewed understanding and pleasurable communication is at large! Because you ruler is still retrograde expect to be haunted this Halloween! Review and renew!
